ፈጣን የሽሮ አሰራር Ethiopian food Shiro wot Dish የጾም ምግብ Ethiopian Food Recipe Part 27

ፈጣን የሽሮ አሰራር  Ethiopian food Shiro wot Dish የጾም ምግብ Ethiopian Food Recipe Part 27

ፈጣን የሽሮ አሰራር Ethiopian food Shiro wot Dish የጾም ምግብ Ethiopian Food Recipe Part 27

In this video we make ፈጣን የሽሮ አሰራር Ethiopian Shiro wot Dish
This is a Vegan Fasting Dish. #ethiopianfood
የጾም ምግብ
Shiro (ሽሮ)
Onion (ቀይ ሽንኩርት)
Garlic (ነጭ ሽንኩርት)
Tomato (ቲማቲም)
Green Pepper (ቃርያ)
Cooking Oil (ዘይት)
Salt (ጨዉ)
AddisDaily – Ethiopian Food Cooking, Ethiopian How to cook, Habesha food and More Ethiopian Videos #Ethiopia #Cooking Ethiopian

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  1. አረ ዘይቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱቱኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡ

  2. ዋው የሚገርም አሰራር ነው በጣም ወድጀዋለሁ። የነጭ ሽንኩርቱን መፍጫ በጣም ነው የወደድኩት ገበያ ላይ ማግኘት እችላለሁ?

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