Monday, February 3, 2025
Home Ethiopian News [የተመራማሪው አሳዛኝ ኑሮ] "የሉሲን ዘር ያገኘሁት እኔ ነኝ" | #Ethiopia #Lucy #Afar | Alemayehu Asfaw | Land of Origins

[የተመራማሪው አሳዛኝ ኑሮ] "የሉሲን ዘር ያገኘሁት እኔ ነኝ" | #Ethiopia #Lucy #Afar | Alemayehu Asfaw | Land of Origins

by Addis Media

[የተመራማሪው አሳዛኝ ኑሮ] "የሉሲን ዘር ያገኘሁት እኔ ነኝ" | #Ethiopia #Lucy #Afar | Alemayehu Asfaw | Land of Origins

[የተመራማሪው አሳዛኝ ኑሮ] “የሉሲን ዘር ያገኘሁት እኔ ነኝ” | #Ethiopia #Lucy #Afar | Alemayehu Asfaw | Land of Origins

Alemayehu Asfaw , is a recognized “fossil hunter” Ethiopian , having participated directly in the discovery of some of the most prominent anthropological remains, such as: Kadanuumuu , Bodo Cranium , dozens of remains of A. afarensis (before and very close to those of Lucy ), etc. He has worked with leading paleoanthropologists, archaeologists, and prehistorians who have excavated in the Afar region , at the Hadar archaeological complex , including: Donald Johanson, Yohannes Haile-Selassie, Paul Whitehead, etc.

He has participated and has been a member of a large number of projects: Rift Valley Research Mission , Middle Awash Project, Woranso-Mille Project, etc.

In 1974 he was sent by the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture to supervise Donald Johanson’s excavations , and it was during the end of that year and the next that he found two A. afarensis jaws , including AL 200-1 , and other postcranial bones.

In 1976, as an Ethiopian antiquities officer, he discovered the hominid fossil in the vicinity of Bodo, in Middle Pleistocene lands.

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Yededya Likeleh February 12, 2022 - 9:27 am

ሉሲ የተባለችው ከስያጣን ስም ( ሉሲፈር ከሚል ቃልየተወስደው ) እኜ ሆዳም ነጭ አጨብጫቢ አባት ንድሃ ያግብ ኢትዮጵያ ያቅርታ መጠየቅ አለባቸው ወያኔ ጋር ሾሾሾሾውሾሾ ድርተውናል ለዚህ መረጃ የሳጥናኤል ጎል ኢትዮጵያ ቁጥር 4 መፅሃ ያንብብብብ ጉድ ስርተውናል ንቁቁቁእውነተኛ ከመፃ ያገኝታል

Yededya Likeleh February 12, 2022 - 9:27 am

ጉድ ስርተውናል

Alazehar Yonas February 12, 2022 - 6:19 pm

ነጭ ቢሆኑ ኑሮ የሚሰጠቶት ክብር የሚሰጦት ክፍያ አይ ኢትዬጲያ መንግስት የሌላት ሀገር የማንም መፈንጫ ሆነች እኮ ትልቅ ስራ የሰሩት ተደብቀው ተበድለው በጣም ያሳዝናል

Alazehar Yonas February 12, 2022 - 6:21 pm

በጣም አሳፋሪ ነገር እኮ እኚ ሰው እኮ በጣም ክብር ይገባቸዋል በጣም ትልቅ ሽልማት ለሀገሩ የለፋ ትልቅ የሆነ ግኝት በጣም ሚያሳዝነው ወይ መንግስት

Alazehar Yonas February 12, 2022 - 6:22 pm

አባት ፈጣሪ ይርዳዋት ቸሩ መድሀኒያለም የማይረሳ አምላክ ።አስተዋይ ሀገር ወዳድ ሰዋች ያስቦታል ።መንግስት ካለ አለ ምትሉ ከሆነ በአፋጣኝ መልስ ሊሰጥ ይገባል

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