ልዩ ቅቅል ጊዜና ጉልበት ቆጣቢ በደቂቃ ቁጥር 5 //Ethiopian how to make instant pot kikil
AddisDaily – Ethiopian Food Cooking, Ethiopian How to cook, Habesha food and More Ethiopian Videos #Ethiopia #Cooking Ethiopian
በድስት የተሰራ ቅቅል https://youtu.be/MXoEJW_oiPo
በInstant pot የተሰሩ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrL1tg_f5gHiOCSHX7hF82jNSpdCF6MX
ቅቤ አነጣጠር https://youtu.be/C5PExQ-SB8s
ፍየል በግ ዶሮ ለመግዛት https://youtu.be/wQklh7Y_9dk
የእጀራ በቀላል ለመጋገር https://youtu.be/cnN_VpqGYf8
Please address issue of burn after adding Berbere in kulet and Doro wot. Still not clear. Several of us are having problems
Weini Abebe
This is nice please more instant pot recipe
I am in love with instant cooking. Like always it amazing and I appreciate you.
I was so happy how you cooked the chicken on the instant pot, You made me buy my own Instant pot which I appreciate. I need you to show me how to cook only on an instant pot. You can do it any day you like. So just know I am your super fan.
How many quart is ur instant pot plz. Send us link. If possible
It looks yummy thanks
Please do more instant pot cooking. Thank you… I subscribed for your instant pot recipes ??
በጣም ቀላል አሰራር ነው፣ጣዕሙም በጣም ቆንጆ ነው፣በርቺ?????
Shekuretu ketimatimu gar tenesh bikulala tiru neber
Good Job: I took note/ receipe from your video as follows. Am sorry if I miss something. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Wash the meat well, add to pot,
3 cupsonions,
2 cups diced tomatoes,
2 Table spoon kundoberbere/blackpaper,
2 Table spoon garlic, zinjible/ginger,
1 Tablespoon korerima/cardamom,
1 teaspoon Eard/turmeric,
little sprinkle of besobila/basil,
little sprinkle yeteshekesheke berbere,
2 table spoon dinbilal/coriander,
water to max level of instant pot,
Mix all
24 min on pressure cooker, high, may add 4 min if necessary
On saute mode while opened pot: add kariya/jalapenos different colors, butter.
you are really great and professional, thank you. if I could request, and if you do not mind to show the ingredents in English, please. we love what you made
ዋው በጣም ያስጎመጃል እጅሽ ይባረክ?????❤❤❤❤??❤??_?❤?❤❤❤❤
Thank you, I’m trying to cook it right now hopefully it will be delicious
Yedstun atekakem bedenb astemrin
MashaAllah my friend, well done, very nice Amazing video
ስንት ሽንኩርትና ቲማቲም ተተቀምሽ ?
የኔ ፕሬዠር ኩከር በደንብ ሲል አርጌው በቫልቩ በኩል ድምፅ እያወጣ አስቸገረኝ ችግሩ ምን ይሆን።
Egsh Ybarek
ድንቅ ቅቅል!!
How much liter is good for doro 6 liter or 8 liter
እኔ dlcPressure Cooker የሚል ነው ያለኝ instant pot ብለሽ ከምታሳይን እቃ ፅሁፍ በጣም ይለያል አንዴ እስከ በሱ ሰርተሽ ወይም እንዲሁ አቅርበሽ አሠራሩን አጠያቆመን ብታሣይኝ በጣም ተቸግሬያለው
ማሻአላህ ይጂሺ ይባርክ እህት
The beauty of your hands is distracting me to follow up your show.
Hi could you please post the almond flour bread again?
በጣም አሪፍ ነው ዛሬውኑ ድስቱን ልታስገዝዢኝ ነው ፆም ሲፈታእሰራበታለሁ Thanks ??
Ye hagere lij kemem tenkeke hulunem!!
Betam arife neger nw almost rasune nw yesrahut tnx
Abo yimechish.. yihea recipe gelagelgn
I can’t find the one you make with pot? I love that
Menew tifasheben yene konjo
አናትዬ በ ማረያም ሩዝ በስጋ በ instant pot ስሪልኝ ሰወድሽ
i have and more recepy pleas
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