Ethiopians & Eritreans rally at the @WhiteHouse to say #SayNoMore #DisarmTPLF – Addis daily አዲስ ደይሊ

Ethiopians & Eritreans rally at the @WhiteHouse to say #SayNoMore #DisarmTPLF – Addis daily አዲስ ደይሊ

Ethiopians & Eritreans rally at the @WhiteHouse to say #SayNoMore #DisarmTPLF and request the @POTUS admin to stop supporting terrorist TPLF.

Ethiopians, Eritreans & friends say free the Tigray people of Ethiopia from the #TPLFTerroristGroup. They #SayNoMore war #DisarmTPLF to bring peace for the people of Ethiopia, Eritrean and the Horn of Africa #NoMore war

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